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Open Box IS charges exhibitors a fixed amount per unit of additional video time. The exhibitor pays these fees directly to Open Box IS.

Open Box IS charges a fee to those exhibitors who wish to purchase their digitized video(s) after the meeting. These fees are paid directly to Open Box IS.

Open Box IS charges on-line attendees for access to the on-line convention. Open Box IS also charges a fee (plus shipping and handling) for those who wish to purchase the meeting content on media such as CD-ROM. The fees can either be charged through the Association’s e-commerce system or Open Box IS’ e-commerce system. Either way, the Association is entitled of percentage of all on-line attendee revenue.

The percentage of on-line attendee revenue to be retained by the Association is determined by mutual agreement between the Association and Open Box IS.

Open Box IS requires a $5,000.00 US deposit to initiate the on-line attendee program. This deposit is refunded from the first $5,000.00 US of on-line attendee revenue received.

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